Thursday, April 30, 2015

Things I Should Be Proud Of

I'm starting to notice a pattern in the 52 Lists project I've been doing - each list challenges me and pushes me to think beyond the surface. I find myself reading the prompts, and for a moment being disappointed that it isn't a prompt that I can just spit out a random answer to, and move down my 'to do' list. But then I remind myself that I chose to start this project for that exact reason. I was looking for something to challenge me and push me beyond the shallows. I wanted something to force me into the depths of my soul and help me rediscover the little bits about myself that make up me.

This week's prompt is "Things I Should Be Proud Of...". I honestly had no idea what I was going to write down. I know that I have done things that I should be proud of, but I don't do well at sharing things about myself with others. I realize the irony of that being written in a blog where I lay out my life to the entire internet, but that is sort of the point to this blog - I have used this blog as a way to learn to be vulnerable and authentic. I'm slowly learning that it is okay not be perfect at everything. Life is messy and confusing and hard, but we should be proud of the things we accomplish, and take the time to celebrate and cheer each other on.

So I took a moment to free write. Without thinking of how others will view me or what they will think I wrote down five things that I am proud of.

Things I Should Be AM Proud Of...

I am fiercely loyal.

I continuously pour my heart and soul into helping raise an incredible little girl who will one day change the world.

I have an indomitable drive to accomplish my dreams.

I am a talented artist and musician.

I love deeply and unconditionally.

I've been on somewhat of a journey this last year or so - a journey of self discovery - and I'm learning that part of discovering myself is celebrating my accomplishments - regardless of their size - and being proud of the steps I make. So tell me, what are you celebrating?

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