Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Someone Who Inspires Me...

Day Four: Who is someone who inspires you?

I'm not a "people person". I don't do small talk. I'm not bubbly. I don't immediately click with most people. That's just not who I am.

In spite of all of this, I somehow have managed to surround myself with the most incredible people, and today, I thought I would share just how wonderful five of those people are. (Yes, I cheated and chose five people instead of one, but they are one family so I'm counting it!)

I interviewed with the Sloaf family just over a year ago to work one day a week watching their three kids. I remember walking away from that interview thinking how incredible this family was, and how excited I was to work for them. Little did I know that eight months later I would be moving in with them, and the people who were once my bosses and charges would soon become an extension of my family.

Andy and Mindy are absolutely incredible parents; like the best. If, when it is my time to become a mom, I am half the parent that they are, I'll be in good shape. They are so present, engaging, and intentional. I've been nannying for a while now, and can clearly see that being a parent is no easy task, but these two make it look like second nature. Living with them, getting to watch the ins and outs of what a healthy marriage and family looks like has been eye opening. How grateful I am for the tangible example they set.

Daisy epitomizes loyalty. She loves her siblings with a fierceness that only a big sister can. (This also means that she can antagonize her siblings like no one else can...) She is the first one to run to her sister's aid with hugs and comforting cuddles when she is upset, and the first to run for help when someone gets hurt. She may not love broadly, but she loves deeply, and reminds me of how important it is to cherish those we hold close - something too easily forgotten.

Torin has the role of "antagonistic little brother" down PAT. He knows exactly how to push my buttons and how far to push them. There is never a dull moment when Torin is around. He keeps me laughing and reminds me to never let fear keep me from exploring. He is constantly asking to show me how high he can climb the tree out back or show me what contraption he has made for his treehouse. Thank you, Torin, for showing me that adventure awaits around every corner. I just have to let go and follow it.

Lila; oh Lila. Intelligent, verbose, stubborn Lila. So much personality in such a tiny person. She is my buddy, my partner in crime, my wingman. I treasure the days we spend causing a ruckus around town. She is a ray of sunshine in my life, and I am so thankful that in the midst of a season of heartbreak and uncertainty, this wee one swooped in and glued the pieces back together with her endless belly laughs and tiny hugs and kisses.

The last year of my life has been rife with instability and uncertainty. For a control freak like me, it has been a struggle...and that is putting it lightly. But I have peace knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, with the people I'm supposed to be with. The Sloaf family welcomed me with open arms, and I am indebted to them for inspiring me to constantly strive for what is truly important in life.

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