Saturday, February 6, 2016

Five Blessing In My Life...

Day Five: What are five blessings in your life?

I have really been struggling the last five months. I faced a personal crisis that completely turned my life upside down, and pushed me into a downward spiral of depression and anxiety. In the midst of a depression, sometimes it is so hard to see the light and remember the good in life. Now that I'm slowly pulling myself back out of the hole I've lived in for far too long, I have spent some time thinking about incredibly blessed I am to be where I'm at, with the people I'm with, doing what I do, and thought this would be the perfect time to share.

1. My Job - I nanny for four different families, and while there are moments when my work schedule is absolutely insane and it feels like I might never not be covered in spit up, cutting the crusts off of PB & J sandwiches, or being asked how to spell something, I absolutely LOVE what I do. I get to spend my days loving on, teaching, and learning from seven kiddos, and I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. The kids I've cared for have completely changed me for the better, and I will forever be indebted to them for teaching me patience, unconditional love, and how to see things through news eyes.

2. My Friends - I'm not a very social person, but I have been blessed with a core group of friends who bring so much joy to my life. The love and support they shower over me on a constant basis is ridiculous. I'm so unworthy, and the immense blessing that they are is not lost on me.

3. My Bosses - I honestly have a hard time calling them that because they are so much more than just my bosses. Chances are, if you've had one conversation with me, you've heard me rant and rave about how awesome they are. They are two of the most down-to-earth, intelligent, and kind people I've ever met. They open their home (and hearts) and have loved me without judgment or condemnation - even when I have deserved it. I am so blessed to have bosses whom I consider family.

4. My Schooling - I've lived in places where school is a privilege, not a right. It is so easy for me to get in a rut where I get so sick of school, and just want to be done. How grateful I am to have experienced the other side of that, and have a reminder of how blessed I am to have the opportunity to go to school and get an education.

5. Social Media - I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with social media. I really struggle with the lack of authenticity on sites like Facebook and Instagram, but over the last few months I have experienced the tremendous benefits of social media. Through the rough period I've recently experienced, social media has allowed me to find support and comfort with other who are experiencing the same. It has provided me with an outlet, and a community that wasn't available locally.

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