About Me.

Welcome to "Choosing Extraordinary" where you'll find my musings about my life, love, faith, and the ups and downs of life as a live-in nanny! My birth certificate reads Kathleen, but feel free to call me Kaytee. I most likely won't respond to the former. I was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and currently reside in Olympia, Washington. My life is a jumbled mess of teaching preschool to the coolest three year old on the planet, attending school full time to obtain my Bachelor's in Microbiology, working full time as a live-in nanny for the greatest nanny family on the planet, and attempting to escape to Africa any chance I get. Despite the chaos, I'm blessed beyond measure to live the life I lead, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! Enjoy!

My Blog.
My blog was originally titled, 'A Work In Progress...', and that name seemed to suit it just fine for the first few years because I truly was a work in progress. Granted, I still am a work in progress, but that title now seems much too passive. As though something is being done to me as I sit idly by.

I changed it to 'Choosing Extraordinary' after reading a quote in a book I finished recently titled 'When God Writes Your Love Story' by Eric and Leslie Ludy. You can read more about my thoughts on the book when I post my review, but as I was finishing the last chapter, Eric wrote something that struck me deep down in my soul.

"We need heroes who will not pattern their lives after the fearful throng around them but after the courage of Christ. It is time we found some ordinary people who choose to love God in extraordinary ways."

He was discussing the story of David and Goliath, one that we have all heard many times, but today it was as though I read that story with brand new eyes.

David was a small, seemingly weak shepherd, and Goliath resembled the Hulk. Two men from warring nations were to fight to the death and David stepped forward. He was the only one brave enough to stand up to Goliath and fight for what he knew was right in the eyes of God. He didn't quiver in his boots as the so called warriors of his nation did. He stood firm in his faith, and knew that when we stand up for God, He stands up for us. David chose to stand up against Goliath knowing the odds were against him; he stood up against the accepted patterns of his culture and refused to back down. He was an ordinary shepherd who chose to love God in an extraordinary way.

So while I am still very much a work in progress, I am resolved to every day waking up and choosing to love God in extraordinary ways. Whether it be in my job, with my family, or at my school; I will choose to seek out extraordinary ways to love God and those who surround me.

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