Monday, December 19, 2016

Queen of Katwe

I took three of my nanny kids to see the movie Queen of Katwe a bit ago at the coolest little cinema in downtown Tacoma. (If you haven't had a chance to check out The Grand Cinema, I highly recommend it!) Between six different trips to the lobby, constantly refilling popcorn trays and drinks, and trying to explain to a four year old why we don't punch the movie screen, I think I saw a total of about ten minutes of this (highly anticipated) movie. I walked out a bit annoyed and resolved to go see it again by myself. Every ounce of irritation suddenly melted away as Lila turned to me and said, "You love Africa...and me! This was your favorite night ever with me!"

Over the next 40 minutes I listened as all three of them went on and on about how badly they wanted to go to Africa. Every so often one of them would pipe up with a question about why they "talked differently" or if I had been to one of the places in the movie or met some of the people from the movie while I lived there. I would respond and back they went to giggling and dreaming of their future adventures.
On that ride home I was reminded of my feelings the first time I returned to the US from Sierra Leone. I had just spent months in a place that I was now completely in love with, and I wanted so badly to share that love with others. I wanted them to understand, even just a little bit, how incredible this place was. I grew angry and resentful when my words betrayed me and refused to do Africa justice. That anger has since subsided, not necessarily because I have found the words, but because I have learned to accept that they simply won't ever meet that need.
What I failed to recognize this evening as I walked out of the theatre a bit miffed at my lack of actual screen time, was that this movie was doing exactly what my words haven't been able to. While I only saw ten minutes, the other two hours opened the eyes of three incredible kids, and showed them what my words couldn't. It gave me the opportunity to share something I love so much with three kids I love more than life itself.
I guess that is kind of what nannying is all about - creating opportunities through experiences that open the eyes of wee ones regardless of the apparent cost to myself. Missing most of a movie, getting dirty while stomping through mud, looking like a crazy person as I dance down the grocery store isle "because that's what princess warriors do!" - They are all such a minuscule price to pay for the joy and enlightenment of a child.
I'll be the first person to tell you how blessed I am to have the job I do and live with the family I do. I don't ever, for a second take either for granted, but the busyness of life can eclipse this at times. I'm thankful for nights such as this one that bring me back down and adjust my focus.

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